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Vision Zero is a campaign to eliminate all traffic-related deaths and severe injuries in the City of Los Angeles by 2025. Launched by Mayor Eric Garcetti in August 2015, Vision Zero is based on the idea that severe traffic crashes are preventable, and that traffic-related deaths and injuries are unacceptable.

We agree.

The Los Angeles Vision Zero Alliance (LA0) is a citywide coalition of 25 community-based and advocacy organizations working to support and influence the City's Vision Zero efforts. The Alliance leverages each participating organization’s unique strengths to develop a united constituency for safe and equitable streets. The Alliance coordinates citywide communications strategy, conducts policy advocacy, and engages in grassroots organizing to galvanize support for neighborhood implementation of Vision Zero projects.

Members of the LA Vision Zero Alliance: 

AARP.png AARP California works to help the state’s 3.1 million members reach their goals and dreams and make the most of life after 50. AARP California partners with volunteers and community organizations to work on issues that matter to baby boomers and people 50+.
AdvancementProject.png Advancement Project is a next generation, multiracial civil rights organization. In California Advancement Project champion the struggle for greater equity and opportunity for all, fostering upward mobility in communities most impacted by economic and racial injustice.
APIFM_LOGO-FULL_COLOR.png Asian Pacific Islander Forward Movement (APIFM) is a community-based organization whose mission is to cultivate healthy, long-lasting, and vibrant Asian and Pacific Islander (API) communities through grassroots organizing. APIFM wants a world where API communities--and all communities of color--have full power to access good health and a healthy environment. APIFM is driven by advocates who are passionate about health equity, the environment, food access, and social justice. Our core staff collaborates closely with community members, organizational partners, youth activists, researchers, and local leaders.
 CALIF.jpg Communities Actively Living Independent & Free (CALIF) works to achieve greater input, participation and control over policies and services especially those for people with disabilities, including those that exclude; address discrimination wherever it exists; encourage the meaningful participation of persons with disabilities in mainstream activities that enhance the positive image and experience of disability; empower people with disabilities by encouraging ongoing education and a broad knowledge of the history and heritage of the Disability Movement; and provide the Disability Community with core services.
 CHC.jpg Community Health Councils (CHC) is a non-profit community-based health education and policy organization based in South Los Angeles. Established in 1992, CHC's mission is to promote social justice and achieve equity in community and environmental resources to improve the health of underserved populations.
 CICLE_logo.png Cyclists Inciting Change Through Live Exchange (CICLE)
 FAST_logo.jpeg Fixing Angelenos Stuck in Traffic (FAST)
 smile.png Healthy Active Streets Long Beach
BPAC_logo.png The The Los Angeles Bicycle Advisory Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the Mayor, City Council members, Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), Department of Recreation and Parks, and the various agencies of the government of the City of Los Angeles in the encouragement and facilitation of the use of the bicycle as regular means of transportation and recreation.
 LACBC.png The Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC) is a membership-based, volunteer-driven nonprofit organization that works to make all communities in Los Angeles County into healthy, safe and fun places to ride a bike. Through advocacy, education, and outreach, LACBC brings together the diverse bicycling community in a united mission to improve the bicycling environment and quality of life for the entire region.
 LosAngelesWalks Los Angeles Walks , which leads the LA Vision Zero Alliance, is a non-profit advocacy organization dedicated to promoting walking and pedestrian infrastructure in Los Angeles. LA Walks educates Angelenos and local policymakers concerning the rights and needs of pedestrians of all abilities, and fosters the development of safe and vibrant environments for all pedestrians.
 MCM Multicultural Communities for Mobility (MCM) advocates for equitable, healthy, and accessible transportation options that are responsive to communities in Los Angeles. MCM believes everyone should be able to safely navigate public spaces, streets, sidewalks, and bike lanes. MCM's work is rooted in social justice and cross-sector collaboration powered by people who seek a better quality of life for our communities.
 PALSforHealth PALS for Health is considered by many as a pioneer in health care interpretation and translation services. PALS for Health’s mission, for over 20 years, has been to address language barriers and increase access to meaningful and quality health care services for limited English proficient (LEP) individuals.
 Proyecto_Logo.png Proyecto Pastoral at Dolores Mission.

The Safe Routes to School National Partnership is a nonprofit organization that improves the quality of life for kids and communities by promoting active, healthy lifestyles and safe infrastructure that supports bicycling and walking. The California state and regional networks work to bring together advocacy groups, parents, community members, government agencies, and other leaders. They also help ensure that Safe Routes to School funds succeed in California, leverage additional resources, and address and improve regional transportation policies.

 SAFE-dotorg-logo_yellow.png Streets Are For Everyone (SAFE)
 TRUSTSouthLA T.R.U.S.T. South L.A. - T.R.U.S.T. South LA (founded in 2005 under the name Figueroa Corridor Community Land Trust) is a community-based initiative to stabilize the neighborhoods south of downtown Los Angeles, where increased property values and rents have pushed out many long-term residents. T.R.U.S.T. South L.A. organizes with low-income community residents to transform the built environment and social conditions in South Los Angeles by: serving as a steward for community-controlled land; being an organizing catalyst for values-driven, community-serving development; building awareness and community leadership in issues of housing, transportation and recreation; and creating programs and initiatives that encourage community building and economic opportunity.
 upi_logo.jpeg Urban Peace Institute
 YPI.jpeg The Youth Policy Institute (YPI) transforms Los Angeles neighborhoods using a holistic approach to reduce poverty by ensuring families have access to high quality schools, wrap-around education, and technology services, enabling a successful transition from cradle to college and career. The Promise Zone Initiative is a Federal initiative to reduce poverty in five neighborhoods that expand the work of the Promise Neighborhood, Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program, and Choice Neighborhood through job creation, increased economic opportunity, improved educational opportunities, improved public safety, leveraged private capital, preserving and expanding housing affordability, and through smart growth policies